Since 1952, CATS Cambridge, CATS Canterbury and CATS London have delivered high-quality teaching to students from around the world.

 Over the last 70 years, our CATS UK schools have developed three distinct educational experiences to fit the many different needs of its students.  As they celebrated their past and looked to the future, the exciting decision was made to rebrand the three schools. This rebrand has been undertaken to better showcase the unique student experience and the individual school communities the students and staff are so proud to be a part of.

From the 12th October, CATS Canterbury has been rebranded The Worthgate School. CATS London has been rebranded as Guildhouse School, London. CATS Cambridge will continue to carry the heritage of the CATS name. However, its logo and brand colours have changed.

.Our new school websites are live and can be accessed from this page. We have also included an FAQ of the bottom of the page to answer any of your questions. Questions can also be sent to your local CATS Global Schools Student Recruitment Manager or our admissions team at



Formerly known as CATS Canterbury, The Worthgate School has been inspiring and empowering students to achieve for over 70 years. The Worthgate School campus is nestled in a leafy corner of historic Canterbury, a city that is renowned for its safety and beauty, and for being home to three universities that have educated generations of young minds.



Formerly known as CATS London, Guildhouse School, London has spent the last 10 years perfecting their approach. Through their core values they build their students’ confidence and decision-making capabilities by nurturing their intuition and creativity so they can problem solve, make an impact, and become effective change makers



Unlike the other CATS UK schools, CATS Cambridge has not changed. However, its school logo and visual identity will change. CATS Cambridge is a school for the best who want to be their very best. Their mission is to unlock potential, to set students on a path to realise their aspirations, and to prepare them for that journey so they can navigate all the opportunities and challenges that life casts their way.
Which schools are being rebranded?

We are rebranding our three CATS UK schools (CATS Cambridge, CATS Canterbury and CATS London)

Why are you rebranding the CATS UK schools?

We are rebranding our three CATS UK schools to better showcase the unique student experience and the separate school communities our students and staff are so proud to be a part of.

What are the new school names?

CATS Canterbury will be renamed The Worthgate School, Canterbury; CATS London will be renamed Guildhouse School, London and CATS Cambridge will keep the same name, but its logo and visual identity will change.

Will the fees increase?

Every year we increase our fees in line with inflation and the rise in cost of running our schools. We are not planning to increase our fees for our September 2022 or January 2023 intake in response to the rebrand of our schools.

Which school name do I use when applying for my visa?

Students should continue to use the existing school name written on their CAS Statement or Visa letter. The sponsor license number will remain the same and will be written on your visa documents. Your visa application for September 2022 will not be affected by the change in the school's name.

Will students need to wear uniforms?

For September 2022, students will not be required to wear school uniforms, although we will continue to enforce our dress code, encouraging students to wear appropriate clothing during their lessons.

Will entry requirements change?

Entry requirements will not change for our September 2022 or January 2023 intakes.

Will the email addresses for our local representatives change?

The email addresses of our local representatives will not be affected by our school rebrand. Our application and admissions process will continue to be handled by our parent company, CATS Global Schools.

Will the email addresses for Student Communications / Student Services change?

The email address for student communications / student services will not change until 12th October 2022. However, the current student services email address will still be monitored until January 2023 to ensure any communications from our students, their parents or our agent partners will not be missed.

Will the email for admissions change?

The current admissions email address ( will still be used for all schools in the CATS Global Schools group and will remain unaffected by the CATS UK schools rebrand.

Will the schools’ payment details change?

Our schools’ payment details will not change and will be unaffected by the rebrand.

Who can I speak to if I have questions about the rebrand?

If you have questions about the CATS UK schools rebrand please contact your local CATS Global Schools Student Recruitment Manager or our admissions team at ( Alternatively, you can submit a question to our online question from here and a member of staff will respond to you.

Will there be an opportunity to ask a member of staff from my school questions before I arrive in September?

We are holding a webinar for our student recruitment partners, new and returning students and their parents on 3rd August to answer any questions you may have about the rebrand.To register to attend, please click here.

Will the new school name be in use for my arrival in September?

As we transition to our new school brands you will see both the current and new school names and logos used in and around the school throughout September.

Will the signage outside my school be in the new brand?

We plan to update our school signage by the middle of September. Therefore, for those students who are unable to arrive for the start of term, the signage outside the school may be updated to the new school brands.

When will I be able to access the new school website?

We are planning to launch the school websites on 12th October 2022. A redirect from the current will be set-up to redirect website visitors to our new school websites.

When will the new school prospectus and materials be shared?

We will be sharing our new prospectuses and materials from the 12th October 2022. .

When will students be told about the rebrand?

An email will be sent to all students about the rebrand for their school on 25th July. We have also amended our offer packs to notify new students, who register between the 25th July and the 12th October 2022, of the upcoming changes to their school.